Thursday, 23 August 2012

FIVE FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH - We all discussed about the factors affecting health. In groups, students expressed their understanding on five factors and ranked them from the most important to least important factor affecting health

Students Working together in groups

Making Presentation

Presenting their work

Lines of Inquiry

Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry

Students matched the key concepts with the lines of inquiry

Wonder Wall
Students were given the Concepts and Lines of Inquiry in groups. They discussed each line of inquiry and matched them with the key concepts. Then they came up with some question regarding health and a Wonder Wall is created.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Addition Practice- Students were provided with four different numbers on the respective placards; they had to create different combination of three digit numbers. Then they had to find numbers which when added to the combination brings a total to 1000.

Number Placards
Students Solving addition problems.

Independence Day- Independence day was celebrated in the school today. School was decorated with tricolour paper pigeon representing freedom and peace. Students made presentation on How our country attained freedom. This was followed by a small quiz. Students of Grade 4 performed a dance. The programme concluded with National Anthem. Jai Hind!

Presentation by students
Dance Performance by Grade 4

Numeracy-Addition : A fishing strategy was introduced, for addition in pairs to 100. In this, an addition problem was written on a paper fish. Students had to pick one fish from the bowl and had to solve it. When they were able to solve the problem then they went to put their name in the fisherman's bag. Solving the problem means they have caught a fish. Students really enjoyed solving maths problem through this activity.

Fish in a Bowl!
Math is fun!
Students caught some fishes!
Fisherman's bag full of fishes

Students making presentation

Understanding of the Central Idea

Central Idea of the unit divided in to strips was given to students. The students had to create the central idea and write their level of understanding. They then made a presentation and suggested other Central Ideas as well.

Provocation to the Unit

Students were given strips with a group of words related to their on going unit 'Healthy Choices'.  They had to find their partners to complete the sentences related to health and disease.

Unit Of Inquiry-Healthy Choices

In unit of inquiry, students were introduced the Transdisciplinary theme 'Who we Are'.  One strand of TD Theme was given to each group.  Students made a placemat on which they had to write their understanding of each strand of TD theme in groups.
Students working on the Transdisciplinary Theme 'Who we are'


On the eve of Janamashtami festival, studenta were extremely happy and curious to know about how Lord Krishna was born and brought out of the prison of demon Kansa. A powerpoint presentation was made by Ms. Alka Balain. A beautifully decorated craddle with Lord Krishna playing in it was displayed in the school. so that all the students could have a glimpse of newly born Lord Krishna

Monday, 13 August 2012


It was Mantej's Birthday on 8th of August. May God Bless him. Mantej brought a cake to celebrate his birthday in the class. we all enjoyed a lot!

TD Theme

·         In this activity, TD themes were given secretly to the students in groups and they had to explain to the rest of the class what the TD theme means. The rest of the class had to guess which TD theme the group has got. 

Learner Profile and the Attitudes

As learner profile is the base of IB curriculum. Students reviewed the Attributes of learner profile once again this year. They wrote about their understanding of being Balanced, Reflective, Risk-Taker, Caring, Open minded, Communicator, Knowledgeable, Principled, Thinker and an Inquirer. They drew some nice drawing to support their level of understanding. Then in the class discussion they matched the attributes to the attitudes.


Rather than teacher imposing rules, Students worked collaboratively towards making an agreement of how the class will function. in the groups, students wrote Do's and Don'ts for themselves and their teacher. After class discussion we came up with the Essential Agreements which the whole class will follow.

Paper Airplane Activity

Students made paper airplanes and wrote their name and two things about themselves. They had to fly the plane in the class for few minutes. After that they had to pick up other students airplane and had to introduce them in the class. The students really had fun!!

Ice-Breaker Activities for Kids

We planned some Ice Breaker activities for students. We introduced B-I-N-G-O to the students. BINGO helped students to get rid of their nervousness and uneasiness. They got to know about their classmates, their likings and hobbies. Students really enjoyed it

A New Begining

School Days are once again back for students. A new day, a new year for students that brings new challenges and inhibition in their minds. Having the mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement at the time, students need motivation and support. We as teachers understand these emotions and help them to adjust with the new class with new goals.